Benjamin Edelman operates a very good, very informative web site regarding security and related topics. He's analyzed the End User License Agreements (EULAs) along with the hundreds of registry keys written and extra software installed by 5 P2P applications. One license agreement ran well over 22,000 words! No wonder folks don't read them. It's an interesting and eye-opening read. Screen shots and comparison charts are well thought out and clearly convey what's up.
Actually, everything on the site deserves your attention, in my opinion. This one in particular, though. If you don't understand the issues of unwanted software installation, this one is for you. If you do already get it, the details will still knock your socks off.
Jack ty for the heads up. Myself however, you could not pay me enough to install any kind of P2P software. As for any other programs that want to phone home? That's what a software firewall is for IMO. If I see a stange "so and so" wants to connect to the internet. I clcik "NO" and check it out.