Saturday, September 17, 2005

Microsoft's Vista looks to get tablets on write track

Microsoft is intent on melding some of Tablet Edition's features into Vista proper, at least in the more advanced versions. This article is a 2 page teaser. That's the only word for it. If they actually do all that the article discusses (and there is no reason to doubt they will) Vista will be usable in several new ways that cannot help but enhance productivity and make the user experience more pleasant.

Being somewhat narrow minded, I concentrated on the impact of the changes in handwriting recognition and their effect on Tablet Edition users. I expect these changes alone to make the Tablet PC much more attractive and usable.

I'm rather lucky. My handwriting is usually handled relatively well by recognition systems I've come across, but there are two letters which I have had to "train" the system to recognize. Previously, Tablet Edition wasn't quite amenable to this. Now, it will be. And as far as I can see, that is the last real impediment to my using a Tablet PC. From what I can see now, a tablet might be better for me than a notebook, once Vista makes it's debut. This same attractiveness is going to be apparent to many others and it might well be the thing that catapults tablets from the very limited niche they now occupy to a position resembling mainstream acceptance.


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