Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Review roundup by PC Magazine: Price-Comparison Sites Strive to Save You Time and Money

"Feeling the urge to splurge? Savvy shoppers know that the best deals on iPods, DVD movies, LCD monitors, and just about everything else can usually be found online. "
Remember your safer using that credit card online than handing it to a store clerk and them walking into the back room to run the charge!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    "Remember your safer using that credit card online than handing it to a store clerk and them walking into the back room to run the charge!"

    Well except the only time I had a problem with my credit card being used by someone else, was when someone was trying to buy several hundred dollars of electronics in another state several thousand miles away the day after I signed up online to Earthlink.



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