Sunday, January 06, 2008

Links from the Gregg Zone!

1) I thought I would do a little bit on predictions after all this is the first show of the New Year. Let us start it off with a little humor with a geek bent. Enough said it is a short video clip, there are a lot more there but this on is predictions for 2008.

2) Next up, here are the top ten predictions from a stock market guru on the likely trends for the up coming year. Sort of wish I had something to invest in other than an hour at the casino, okay maybe a half hour. Any way this is just one of several I read through, I am just interested in the expected trends.

3) This one is a look back at last years C.E.S. show and how well the predictions of the show booth people came out interesting.

4) Okay enough of that how about scientist finding alien DNA in humans here is a very interesting article about it. This one made me say hummm maybe, sounds good to me, why not. We had to come from somewhere why not the cosmos, seems we had to originate there, the only question is how we wound up here.

5) The other evening I was sitting here shooting the bull with Riley, we were toying with several subjects when one of our topics reminded me of something I wanted to look into. Several months ago, I was going to take a bus trip to L.A. I wanted something to listen to on the bus. So I made a disc of a couple of old Art Bell shows, one of them was an interview with Terence McKenna mostly about time, and a theory he developed called “Time Wave Zero”. What struck me was the reference to the Mayan Calendar I am about to launch myself into some comparisons. This first link is to a site with lots of material on Terence, lots of audio. I would suggest starting with the Art Bell show from 5-97 about a third of the way down this is the show where he discusses Time Wave Zero. This very much relates to the Mayan Calendar even though he created his computer models prior to his learning about it, they both end on the same day. This link is to the best explanation of the Mayan Calendar I have found, the comparisons are amazing.

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