Thursday, September 24, 2009 Microsoft Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit) - Review

"This October Microsoft will release Windows 7 world-wide, the successor to Windows Vista and Windows XP (again), a major upgrade that promises to further improve the user experience on different PC form factors such as the popular Netbook. For the past couple of weeks the Team spent some time testing the Windows 7 (RTM) Release to Manufacturing build, which is the final build that will be available in stores and new PC’s around the world (that goes for Intel Macs too)."

Windows 7 delivers three key attractions: improved performance, better compatibility and it’s even easier to use.

This looks like an interesting review of Windows 7, it is a bit long, about 70 pages.

I sure like it.


1 comment:

  1. Alaskajoe,

    Thank you for your support of Windows 7! Have you pre-ordered your copy of Win 7 yet? If you are planning on purchasing Windows 7 when it is released it may be helpful to know you don't have to wait until October to reserve your copy of Win 7! You can pre-order your copy of Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Professional today. For more information, see the Windows 7 Pre-Order offer page here:

    Also, if you are currently a student you may qualify for the $30 upgrade to Windows 7. For more information, please go here:

    Microsoft Windows Client Team


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